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The story of the UFLOAT


How it all started

The UFLOAT was created as a SAFE, fun, and comfortable solution to cool off and relax in the water. It was initially designed for the recreational boating community/market as the best option compared to traditional life jackets or personal flotation devices.  The pictures below demonstrate how uncomfortable and antiquated traditional life jackets have become. There is just NO GOOD FIT in a traditional life jacket or personal flotation device. The UFLOAT has since expanded in popularity in the boating, swimming, snorkeling, resort, theme park, rehabilitation, and disability communities.

The research and development began in 2013 with the idea of creating a functional recreational float that was safe to wear @ lakes and rivers to replace life jackets, noodles, and rafts.

“A life jacket (or Personal Flotation Device - PFD) is the single most important piece of equipment on your boat and the most important consideration should be size. More than two-thirds of all boating fatalities are drowning incidents and 90% of drowning victims were not wearing a life jacket. So buy a life jacket that you will wear ... it could save your life.”  (The Boat U.S. Foundation via data from the United States Coat Guard)

The product has been through numerous prototypes since inception and the final prototype was launched @ the Chicago Boat Show in January of 2015. We launched the product as a recreational flotation device (without United States Coast Guard Certification) to test the waters and see if there would be any interest in the consumer marketplace for this type of product. The reaction and feedback from the show was overwhelmingly positive, so we continued down the path towards USCG Certification and Approval. After many more prototypes and alterations, the UFLOAT became the World’s First United States Coast Guard Certified and Approved ‘Upside Down’ Life Jacket or Personal Flotation Device in November of 2015.